The show went quite well. I was on for thirty minutes, and it went by quickly. I really didn’t get the opportunity to say all the things that ran through my mind about the democratic nature of the blogosphere. But there will be further opportunities, as Jim has kindly asked that I be a regular on his show. One thing that really characterizes his program is that he tries to have a group of people on the show consistently to provide a continuity of discussion.
I’ll recap just a bit, as well as I can remember. Jim first ran into blogs through Kim duToit as he was surfing for information about guns. Duh. From there he clicked one of Kim’s links, and it opened up a new world for him. He, like many of us, became addicted. Jim’s producer, Will Diaz, told me while I was waiting to go on that he first read my site yesterday and liked what he saw. I asked what took him so long. Laugh. Will now reads blogs, too.
We discussed my post on what a Kerry Administration might look like, and the folks who already serve in those positions. We talked a little about how blogs work, and who writes them. And why. Finally, he asked how I came up with the name “Bunker Mulligan.” I told him it was about my enjoyment of golf, and the name came to me through a bottle of Chilean cabernet. He agreed things like that do have an effect.
It’s all a bit of a blur, as the whole thing was really a simple conversation between friends. That’s as it should be. That’s what makes Jim a great talk radio personality.
By the way, any bloggers in the Coastal Bend directed to this site through Jim’s program, please contact me through the link at the top of the left column. Jim would like to hear from you, too.