Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 9, 2004


Filed under: Bunker's Favorites,Society-Culture — Bunker @ 5:57 am

Slatts started my morning reading off on the right foot:

So, a form of Tourette’s Syndrome for leftwing reactionaries kicks in: “Nazi”, “Racist”, “Enemy of Diversity”, they sneer, and inevitably, “Simplistic moron”, because we all know the left occupies the intellectual high ground.

What he’s talking about is the reaction in some political circles to Andrew Bolt’s article.

We need to know the depravity of what was done in Beslan because we need to understand there is now moving in the world an ideology that spurs men to commit horrors beyond even our nightmares.

Some folks simply don’t want to recognize a depraved ideology when they see it. I think it’s important to see just what happened in Beslan. Photos of body bags tell of the horror, Photos of the destroyed buildings gives some perspective.

Danielle Pletka, writing an op-ed in the New York Times, believes the difference in approach to solving our problems in the Middle East, and the final settling of discord is key in this year’s election.

Early last month, John Kerry devoted 11 days to fleshing out his foreign policy priorities. Promoting democracy in the Middle East, he made clear, will not be high on his agenda. Sadly, Mr. Kerry’s decision could not have come at a worse moment. For the first time in half a century, democracy is the talk of the Arab world


  1. 15 to 20 years of isolationism is what we need. I mean total isolation, concentrate solely on fixing our own problems and screw everyone else, only then, after we fix our problems, do we emerge from our cocoon.

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — September 9, 2004 @ 10:24 pm

  2. Can’t happen. Everyone outside Texas uses too much oil.

    Comment by Bunker — September 10, 2004 @ 5:44 am

  3. Liberal Jihad, Morality and God
    Liberal Jihad, Morality and God

    Trackback by Wandering Mind — September 12, 2004 @ 2:52 pm

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