Hugh Hewitt was broadcasting his show from San Diego State, the alma mater of 1LT Parker. Joshua was killed in Fallujah last spring. He is the type of man we have doing the job throughout Iraq.
He was so proud to go to Iraq. The same as when he had vowed to help the Mexican children, and the Chinese children, he felt that he could now help the Iraqi children. The week before Josh was killed, he had requested special permission to stay another year in Iraq. He didn’t want to leave until the work was done. He loved the kids there. He wrote home, asking for candy and toys, because he loved giving it to the kids and watching them smile. Every night, he ate dinner with Iraqi families. He loved them, and they loved him. He believed in what we are doing there. He told my cousin Laura that he wanted these children to have the chance to grow up with democracy, the way he did, so that they would have an honest chance of making their lives better.
On this Veterans’ Day, I would love to see his name splashed all over the blogosphere. He never won a Nobel Peace Prize, but did far more for peace than the thug who dies yesterday and will be memorialized through the weekend.
Go read the full memorial for Joshua over at Hugh’s site. If you agree with me that Joshua and his comrades in this war are far more deserving, let’s see if we can get his name at the top of a google search or two.