Arthur Chrenkoff sees the international response to our election the same as I do:
the rest of the “international community” now has to put us or shut up. There was seemingly overwhelming hope out there, from Cairo and Lima to Berlin and Beijing, that Kerry would be elected and we could all return to the good old days of doing nothing, but doing it all together. Now, holding your breath and turning blue for the next four years is no longer a viable option. Foreign leaders and diplomats are deep down realists, and now that they know they have to deal with a Republican administration for the next four years, expect a thaw of sorts in international relations.
Again, diplomacy can now reap benefits which it couldn’t without the threat of power.
Right now, there are at least 4 countries that are going “oh crap, we’re screwed”.
Comment by Birdie — November 3, 2004 @ 5:31 pm
Plus about 48% of this one.
Comment by Bogey — November 3, 2004 @ 7:41 pm
Not trying to be a troublemaker with that last comment, btw, just thought Birdie had served up a perfect straight line. With no late-night talk show hosts on hand, I had to take a stab.
Comment by Bogey — November 3, 2004 @ 7:44 pm