Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

November 10, 2004

War against Jihadists

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 5:54 am

Jim has posted a letter a man wrote to his children explaining why the war against jihadists is so important. It is lengthy, but absolutely worth reading.

It follows something I heard on television last night. You’ll have to excuse the lack of citation, but I wasn’t really paying attention and only caught the portion I’m describing as my ear is tuned to such things: Some PhD was arguing that we shouldn’t be trying to rid the world of al Zarqawi. His logic? Zarqawi didn’t attack us on 9/11.

I know these intellectual idiots have difficulty seeing beyond their own pointy noses. But, DAMN!

This war was, and always has been, against terrorists and the nations that harbor and support them. Dubya made that very clear from the beginning. Remember how shocked some people were that he said that? It was not a war against al Queda. It was not a war to get bin Laden. It was, from the beginning, a war against all jihadists. Zarqawi is a jihadist.

Read the letter at Jim’s site.


  1. Uh, Zarqawi is part of al Qaeda…

    It is very interesting to me how people cannot see the ties. Hell, Saddam assisted in the ’93 WTC bombing. No links to terror, indeed.

    Iraq is interesting because it shows the real motives behind al Qaeda. It is not getting the US out of the Middle East because the US is evil. It is about who is going to have control over the Muslim world. This is why they are all migrating to Iraq to fight the Iraqi government. It would be very small minded to say that they are there fighting the US. If it was about the US and our coalition there would be more attempts to have aterrorist attack in America, Britain, Poland, etc. But they are at schools, police stations, NG & police recruiting stations, which happen to catch American soldiers in the blasts because we are assisting the Iraqis working there. Fewer and fewer direct attacks are occurring against US personnel. If we were to pull out, they would still be fighting to gain control of the government.

    Comment by Slice — November 10, 2004 @ 7:19 am

  2. Look at the enemy here. They kidnap civilians and cut off their heads. They execute Iraqi police and army recruits. They use car bombs to attack civilians. If these people aren’t terrorists, then who is?

    Comment by John Adams at The Commons — November 10, 2004 @ 10:05 am

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