Arafat’s friends over at HAMASONLINE have some other issues to deal with while their Godfather is relaxing in Paris:
Appeal: We have lost allmost every mail from back to 8 months because of a computer crash, if you mailed us something important, then please mail us again.
I know how they feel. I hate it when I lose important emails.
I just clicked your Hamas Online link, as I’m comparing reactions from various sites to the just-breaking news that Arafat croaked. I find it pretty hilarious that they code their website with MS FrontPage.
Comment by Bogey — November 10, 2004 @ 11:03 pm
Obviously they haven’t got the word yet.
You’d think they’d use some high-tech Arab software–you know, the kind of high-tech stuff Arabs are famous for inventing.
Oh, never mind.
Comment by Bunker — November 11, 2004 @ 4:13 am