I’m sorry, this doesn’t reach the level of what I would call torture:
Al Qosi claimed they were strapped to the floor in an interrogations center known as the Hell Room, wrapped in Israeli flags, taunted by female interrogators who rubbed their bodies against them in sexually suggestive ways, and left alone in refrigerated cells for hours with deafening music blaring in their ears.
When professionals interrogate someone, they know that physical pain rarely does anything but make the person being interrogated say what he thinks they want to hear. Little information of any value ever comes from it except in movies. The Americans tortured in Hanoi weren’t being asked for real information. Their captors simply wanted them to be pliable and provide a propaganda tool.
Interrogators in this new war want real information. Making a prisoner uncomfortable is now equated to torture. It follows the decline of what sexual harrassment once was. If someone “feels uncomfortable”, it must be torture and the offending party must cease.
I don’t advocate torture, but not out of sqeamishness. It doesn’t work. I do advocate making detainees uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.