Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 6, 2005

Broad Brushes

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 12:25 pm

Lago points out a new television episode depicting an American Muslim family which is involved in terrorism. CAIR is predictably upset that the show paints all Muslims as terrorists with a “broad brush.”

Sorry. I hear that far too often. The phrase is employed any time someone wants to avoid rational discussion of a topic. The show is about one family. It is about the threat of terrorism.

“At first I was shocked,” organization spokeswoman Rabiah Ahmed told the Daily News. “In this particular case, they show an American-Muslim family and they portray them as terrorists.”

I searched the CAIR web site looking for something on the topic, but nothing there yet. Plenty of other things, though. Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, passports being checked at the border, etc. Americans are infidels according to their broad brush.


  1. Saw the female lead on Fox & Friends this morning. She’s Iranian, and dedicated to seeing her native Iran become a democracy. Interesting lady. She also said not to take everything you see in the show “at face value”, but of course would not elaborate.

    Comment by DagneyT — January 6, 2005 @ 3:08 pm

  2. HBO Signature is currently showing Jimmy Stewart in The FBI Story (http://www.hbo.com/apps/schedule/ScheduleServlet?ACTION_DETAIL=DETAIL&FOCUS_ID=24330). The the victims are Jews, African Americans, and Native Americans, and the villains are white Klansmen and white oilmen. Clearly, this film paints all white people as terrorists and murderers, with a broad brush. It should be burned!

    Or maybe, you know, it’s just a movie. And maybe CAIR’s victim games are hurting the reputation of honest Arab Americans.

    Comment by UML Guy — January 7, 2005 @ 2:19 am

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