Barbara Boxer’s crocodile tears, and Ohio Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones’ formal objection to the vote certification are based in a deep concern about voting irregularities.
They said their goal was to force lawmakers to heed problems that had been particularly evident in Democratic-leaning minority and urban neighborhoods and to consider the need for more voting reforms including standard election rules in all states.
According to the Census Bureau, in 2000 Nueces County had a population of 313,645, with an estimated increase to 315,206 by 2003, 28.4% are under the age of 18. That means 225,687 people of voting age, and 90% of eligible voters are registered. Only 25% voted last election, one of the highest totals ever.
Lots of numbers, but what is it all about?
It is time for our Democratic leadership to quit talking and posturing, and actually do something. All the complaints about election fraud and disenfrachisement come from counties and districts controlled by Democrats–just as in Florida four years ago. Judge Shamsie can take that lead right here in Nueces County and assume a national leadership stance for other Democrats to follow.
Let’s purge the votor rolls in the county and have new registration. With an average of 85 registrations per day we can get everyone who voted last November back on the list by 2006. We can cleanse the rolls of thos who no longer live here, and ensure only legitimate citizens have the franchise.
Can anyone complain about that result?