Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

November 10, 2004


Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 10:22 am

Who were the disgruntled Democrats who were talking about which states were giving versus taking? I think it was something about all the blue states paying welfare for the red states.

You want to talk morals?

(Hat tip to PowerLine)

What to expect in Fallujah

Filed under: Media,Military — Bunker @ 9:13 am

Ralph Peters has a few things to say about the Fallujah assault. On this anniversary of the Marine Corps, it is fitting they will take the lead and clean house if allowed to finish the job they were kept from doing last spring.

In anticipation of news reports soon to be filed, not by the embedded reporters who have a sense of things but by pundits in NYC and DC, he offers his own preemptive strike:

Meanwhile, be prepared for media monkey business. No matter how well things go, we’ll hear self-righteous gasps over the inevitable U.S. casualties. The first time a rifle company consolidates a position long enough to bring up ammunition, we’ll hear that the attack has bogged down. If commanders on the ground decide to shift forces from one axis of advance to another, we’ll be told that our troops couldn’t make progress against “dug-in terrorists.”

Don’t believe a word of it when it comes. Those soldiers and Marines are professional. When they stop or change direction, it is with a fluid plan which takes advantage of opportunities.

Dead or Alive

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 8:55 am

Neal Boortz has it right regarding Arafat:

I know you’re not supposed to say things about dead people unless it’s good. Well, he’s dead. Good.

For those of you distraught over the gay marriage issue, you might also want to check his thoughts on Nikki Hilton.

Happy Birthday

Filed under: Military — Bunker @ 6:54 am


I know Slice and his fellow Marines will have a large formation, and cake will be served–cut with the commander’s sabre.

“No better friend, no worse enemy,” as Zarqawi and friends are finding out.

Jerry Falwell

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 6:48 am

Falwell is a white Jesse Jackson.

Seeking to take advantage of the momentum from an election where moral values proved important to voters, Rev. Jerry Falwell announced yesterday he has formed a new coalition to guide an “evangelical revolution.”

He has been marginalized for years, but now sees an opportunity for celebrity and money once again.

Go away, Jerry, and don’t darken my door with your visage.

War against Jihadists

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 5:54 am

Jim has posted a letter a man wrote to his children explaining why the war against jihadists is so important. It is lengthy, but absolutely worth reading.

It follows something I heard on television last night. You’ll have to excuse the lack of citation, but I wasn’t really paying attention and only caught the portion I’m describing as my ear is tuned to such things: Some PhD was arguing that we shouldn’t be trying to rid the world of al Zarqawi. His logic? Zarqawi didn’t attack us on 9/11.

I know these intellectual idiots have difficulty seeing beyond their own pointy noses. But, DAMN!

This war was, and always has been, against terrorists and the nations that harbor and support them. Dubya made that very clear from the beginning. Remember how shocked some people were that he said that? It was not a war against al Queda. It was not a war to get bin Laden. It was, from the beginning, a war against all jihadists. Zarqawi is a jihadist.

Read the letter at Jim’s site.

November 9, 2004

New Project

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 7:42 pm

For those of you who haven’t taken the time to visit my compatriots at Homespun Bloggers, we will soon begin something that may interest you.

Along with the weekly “Best of…” that are linked there each weekend, we will all combine talents (and there is a lot of that over there) on a single topic each week. Along with our regular postings, we will try to focus one post on the particular topic of choice for the week. They will all be listed on our group site, but I will list the others’ posts on my own as well.

You all know Arthur Chrenkoff, but there are others you need to get to know. And we’re not all members of the VRWC. So I anticipate some really good points of view.

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