Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

November 10, 2004


Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 10:22 am

Who were the disgruntled Democrats who were talking about which states were giving versus taking? I think it was something about all the blue states paying welfare for the red states.

You want to talk morals?

(Hat tip to PowerLine)


  1. I live in the state that loses the most money per dollar sent to Washington DC. Yes New Jersey loses the most @ $.43 redistributed elsewhere for every $1.00 we send. You explain to me again why we are known as the “welfare states”??

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — November 10, 2004 @ 10:14 pm

  2. Obscene, isn’t it? On the other side of that coin, that money is taken and spent rather than donated freely as with the heirarchy on the linked list.

    Comment by Bunker — November 11, 2004 @ 4:08 am

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