Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

May 31, 2005

PJ Media

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 12:31 pm

I just received an update from the folks at Pajamas Media with the following request:

Please direct any blogger who is interested in joining this effort to join@pajamasmedia.com *And don’t forget to tell him or her to say you referred them so they can be credited to your account!*

We’re also putting together the demographic survey, which we’ll soon ask each of you to run on your sites. (Running the survey is very simple, and requires no work on your part except to create a blog post including the URL we will send you.)

So, if you are interested in joining, click on the link or simply email them. And when I post the link to the survey here in the next few days, please follow it and fill out their survey. It will provide information on who is reading blogs. My guess is that people with more education and interest in world affairs read blogs than do those who get their information from television or traditional print media.

Maybe then we’ll get the perks Tim alluded to!

Major Problem

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 11:56 am

Tim has detected a severe limitation to joining Pajamas Media:

…just where are the corporate credit cards to which we can charge expensive and alcohol fueled lunches? Where, in fact, would be journalism without such? As anyone who has ever been around journalists will know, whatever we might be doing while sober will not be journalism as we know and love it.

The Cop’s Trial

Filed under: Media,Society-Culture — Bunker @ 11:23 am

Last December, a man being arrested attempted to shoot my son. Today, my son goes on trial.

Sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it?

One of the perils of being a police officer in this country is that the criminal justice system can turn on you quickly when someone feels it needs to. The prime culprits in this are often the same ones who complain most loudly about our soldiers: Folks who call themselves journalists.

This time, the defense is calling my son as a witness. The defense. He is the one almost killed, and the defense attorney calls him as a witness for the man who pulled the trigger with intent to kill.

I’m on pins and needles today wondering how this will all play out.

Al Gore

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 6:43 am

I am really grateful we didn’t elect a weakling like Al Gore in 2000.

Yeah, yeah…. I’m a hard-core right-wing Nazi. I’ll say it first so you don’t have to.

Gore had one vision in his life, and would do anything necessary to attain it–the Presidency. Really, I almost feel sad for him. He endured many abuses in the Clinton White House, and always remained loyal to Bill. But it wasn’t out of a sense that Clinton deserved that loyalty, only that Clinton’s support was important to him in his person quest.

Disagree? Well, Gore certainly didn’t welcome Clinton to campaign with him. They are not socially active together. In fact, the only time I’ve seen them together was during the opening of Clinton’s library.

Whether standing up to Clinton would have been the right thing to do relative to Gore’s presidential ambitions is debatable. He certainly would have had a better legacy. I am really grateful we didn’t elect a weakling like Al Gore in 2000.

A Brick Seems a Simple Thing

Filed under: Military,Society-Culture — Bunker @ 5:45 am

The folks at Texas A&M do this well. And Sarah writes about it in a touching and understanding way.

Memorial Day is not a somber holiday to me. It is a celebration of the things we have because of men and women like Captain Sean Sims. His son will have the knowledge that what his father did in Iraq was significant. We should share that significance and revel in it.

Memorial Day is for remembering. Remember the good done by the people we are honoring, not their deaths.

Was it this blog?

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 5:22 am

Roger L. Simon asks that about the release of eight dissidents by the Syrian government. I took up the challenge Roger made, and Ammar requested by writing an email to the Syrian Embassy. Perhaps plenty of others did the same. I simply asked that Syria join civilization, a place where they once thrived.

Maybe they have decided to do so.

May 29, 2005

In the Zone

Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 6:59 am

In every sport there are times when a player seems unable to do anything wrong. You can see it in basketball when a player puts in through the hoop from everywhere on the court, no matter what contortions he has to go through to get the shot off. In football, that quarterback who threads every needle, or running back the glides through the defense for ten yards every carry. Roger Clemens or Pedro Martinez sending batters back to the dugout, or someone going five for five at the plate.

Justin Leonard is in the zone at the St. Jude’s Classic in Memphis. He has been for three days. He has an 8-shot lead going into the final round today.

To put this in perspective, a fourth round like the previous three would be like finishing off a no-hitter in the eighth and ninth innings. Except this zone must last four days, not just a few hours.

Justin is not one of the big hitters on tour. Tiger, Vijay, and Ernie aren’t in the field. Davis Love is, but he’s tied for fourth. This course is shorter than most, just like Colonial. But it also requires more thinking and accuracy, and the skill to shape shots. Leonard can do all that. It makes me wonder whether the top players think they can win on a course where distance isn’t the premium. When shot-making becomes more important than distance, they don’t show up. Some think it gives lesser players a chance to take home a big paycheck.

I think it gives the fans a chance to see some people with golf skills to match folks like Jones, Hogan, and Snead.

Players like Justin Leonard.

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