Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

October 7, 2004

Shell Games

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 7:06 pm

Now that we have the official report on Saddam’s WMD programs, I think it is time for a little reflection. Probably not the kind you might expect, though.

I think we should all take a deep breath and consider this whole thing in a logical manner. I know that will be tough for some, but stick with me just for a few more seconds.

From the beginning we’ve had some sincere, and some not so sincere, people say we should simply let the UN inspectors continue their valuable work in ferreting out Saddam’s weapons programs. The first logical point to make is that the UN sanctions and the cease-fire agreement from 1991 did not state that he had to let us look for things. It said he must demonstrate compliance. He did not. In fact, he did what he could to make it difficult to determine whether he complied or not. Okay.

So, we invaded Iraq some 18 months ago and deposed him. Some still cried that we should have given the inspectors more time. Kerry and Edwards are still saying that. So is Kofi Annan.

My question to them is, and they’ve been asked this many times with no suitable answer, how long do we continue inspections? Six months. A year? Eighteen months?

Well, we are now at the eighteen month point. Consider that for a second.

In eighteen months of unhindered inspection we have not been able to find any WMD stockpiles. With his propensity for delay, and stooges within the UN teams, how long would it have taken for us to reach this stage of confidence had he still been in power? Two years? Three? Ten?

And in that time, knowing what we now know regarding the UN, Russia, and France, is there really any doubt that something terrible would have happened? And would that have led to even more drastic action than we have already taken?

I’m not precient. But I do have some understanding of people like Saddam. Once he felt comfortable in his little shell game with inspectors, and had reason to believe his infiltration of their ranks was solid, some very nasty chemicals would have made their way into the US.

Have no doubts about that.


  1. Ypu raise some very relevant points- but still, I don’t think the fat lady has sung yet on Iraqi WMD’s.

    There are too many reports, from too many sources that place them in Syria, Sudan and Lebanon.

    It is unlikely that all the Iraq scientists, defectors, etc, all lied in concert.

    Comment by Alex — October 7, 2004 @ 7:27 pm

  2. That’s a fresh way of looking at it. But I agree with Alex (and Charles Bronson) that this ain’t over.

    Comment by Sarah — October 7, 2004 @ 11:37 pm

  3. This is why I “love” Bush supporters… no matter what facts come out that are negative towards him, his loyalists still refuse to see. This president has screwed the environment like no other, has attacked the working class like no other and the list goes on and on. I do so wish I could see the world through the prism that his suppporters use, but being the cynic I am I suppose I’ll never be able to. I am seriously considering Canada as an option if that little twerp manages to steal his way into office again, as I am not going to subject myself to living in an f—ing banana republic, which is where he has this nation headed. Of course that is only my opinion, I could be wrong.(But I doubt it)

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — October 8, 2004 @ 1:11 am

  4. This president has screwed the environment like no other, has attacked the working class like no other and the list goes on and on.

    Bubba, I don’t know how you can say that. Where has he screwed the environment? When did he attack the working class? And how did he “steal his way into office”? You’ve got better thought processes than that.

    Comment by Bunker — October 8, 2004 @ 5:44 am

  5. He has ceded control of FEDERAL lands to the locals/mineral indutstries, he has tried all summer to rewrite the over-time regulations in the dept of labor, but I don’t know what I am talking about do I. As for stealing his way into office I think I said that was my opinion, and I have seen enough facts to validate my opinion in my own mind. As always, just my opinion I could be wrong.

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — October 8, 2004 @ 7:38 pm

  6. Bubba, I’m not insulting you. I asked why you felt that way.

    The labor rules he’s trying to change involve federal workers, primarily. On the issue I’m sure you have with overtime pay, I don’t understand why that isn’t an issue between the worker and his employer–what business is it of the federal government? I don’t like that meddling, either, but I don’t like it because the government shouldn’t be involved at all.

    Federal land–which keeps getting to be a larger and larger percentage. The wildfires that can’t be controlled because a Washington bureaucrat doesn’t like roads? Locals have far more at stake.

    I have done extensive research on the Florida vote, if that’s your contention. Every single recount has shown Bush won. It doesn’t matter who did the recount. Gore attempted a slick move, which will be repeated again this year, and failed.

    Comment by Bunker — October 9, 2004 @ 6:09 am

  7. I half-assed agree with you on the government being involved in labor, and on the federal lands. All I have to say about Florida is read Greg Palast the ex-patriate American reporter for the BBC. Then watch the movie “Unprecedented”, on the Sundance network. If they don’t change your opinion nothing ever will.

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — October 9, 2004 @ 8:21 pm

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