Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 20, 2004

John Edwards at Harry’s

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 6:12 pm

I enjoy discussion. I dislike debate. Many people use those words as synonyms, and they are not.

A debate is a competitive forum for expressing opinion. There is an implication of winner/loser. A discussion is a mode of communication between two or more people where both offer ideas, share opinions, mull the other’s points, rethink their own ideas in perspective with someone else’s. This is a powerful mode in the blogosphere, and I think it is good for all who get involved.

That’s not the case on sites devoted to candidates or parties. There, neither discussion nor debate occur. It is a bunch of glad-handing, “look how smart we are” smugness, and “can you believe how stupid and mean they are” blather.

There are some really good discussion sites out there, though. And they are worth a look each day. They are places where most comments and posts are well-considered, and not venomous. I’ve found Harry’s Place to be such a site.

For the last couple of days there has been a discussion on a speech by John Edwards.

I was taken to task by someone who felt I begrudged the poor their welfare checks, and determined I didn’t understand socialism. I resisted the tempation to cite my masters degree in International Relations and political experience as my bona fides:

Yes. Corporate welfare exists. And it pisses me off. It is far more prevalent in local government than in national, however. Most cities give away anything to entice business. The most blatant is in professional sports where millionaires play for billionaires in an arena built with tax money.

I don’t begrudge the poor their welfare check. I would be pleased if they did their part to get out of poverty, or encouraged their children to do so. It is not accomodated for in the Constitution, and should be implemented through an amendment. It won’t be, and I accept that.

I understand socialism, and communism, and fascism, and capitalism, and many other isms. Most are not what people think. Socialism cannot work because it removes all incentive for someone to work hard and become more than they are. Human nature.

Face it, the really rich pay no income tax because they have no income. They live off perks. And corporations pay taxes, which are then passed along to consumers as increases in cost.

Consider for a minute the combined taxes paid along the way from beginning to end of anything you buy, and the effect that has on your cost. Tax (tariff) on raw material, fuel tax in transportation, property tax on the manufacturing plant, profit margins which have to account for social security matching payments, perhaps two or three more transports with fuel, license, and excise (tire) taxes, more property taxes on the vendor site, and finally, the reseller’s tax burden. All are passed along to you, and a sales tax added.

How cheap would that new car be without all that?

I don’t yet have a response, and maybe it will get posted here.

My primary point in this point is to share Harry’s place as a go-to site. I never would have seen what Edwards had to say without going there. All the networks are too busy with Michael Jackson and Kobe to be bothered.

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