Last night O’Reilly had an interview with Kerry that was taped in December 2001. I didn’t pay close attention, but Kerry sounded then like he sounds now–he would do something, although he can’t quite put his finger on it. This segment was a prequel to O’Reilly’s interview with Dubya, which will air next week.
I understand I’m going to take some heat from all sides. In fact, I got a letter today that told me the interview was dumb, even though nobody’s seen it yet.
You can be sure that O’Reilly will have a tough talk. He is determined to not be perceived as partisan. But he will also be respectful. That respect will be viewed by some as fawning.
He still hasn’t received a commitment from Kerry. Kerry will wait to see how Bush does. Don’t expect to see him enter the No-Spin Zone any time soon.
We’re already so dizzy with his spinning, not even O’Reilly could sort it out!
Comment by DagneyT — September 24, 2004 @ 10:24 am