Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 22, 2004


Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 5:48 am

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember every stupid thing I did 35 years ago. I have difficulty remembering the stupid things I did last year, and I know they were legion.

With the failure of the CBS fake memos to injure the President, you can bet that the Imaginary Documents Divisions


  1. The President should say that he would let Homer Simpson interview him before he lets the CBS 60 Minutes people talk interview him again.

    After all more people watch their re-runs than watch CBS News.

    Comment by Michael Hess — September 22, 2004 @ 8:25 am

  2. Ok Bunker I’ll bite, Hello Stupid ;-). To rephrase your poker analogy, I draw on the great game of Texas Hold-em.(Which I was playing 25 years ago) I think Bush is drawing to a gut shot straight, and Kerry has a pair of cowboys, and we’ve yet to see the flop. Just my opinion… I could be wrong

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — September 22, 2004 @ 6:05 pm

  3. I think you’re backing a losing hand. I’ve yet to find anything that supports the claims about his service, and plenty to refute them.

    Comment by Bunker — September 22, 2004 @ 6:57 pm

  4. Remember I ain’t backing Kerry except in a rhetorical sense. I am writing in one of three dead guys: Hubert H Humphrey, Harry Truman, or I may go with Milhous. All of whom to me could do a better job than either one of these poltroons. Better a corpse than either one of these stiffs.

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — September 22, 2004 @ 7:44 pm

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