Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 20, 2004

Go Away

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 8:12 pm

Lowell Ponte asks, “Who Is Dan Rather?”

I say he is someone I’ve never paid any attention to. When Cronkite left CBS, I quit watching. I had no use for Rather. Now I wish he would simply go away.

I’ve already spent time on him here, here, and here. He has no integrity.

What makes me really mad, though, is his continued insistence that anything he says is true, whether he has any facts at hand or not. The “indisputable facts” that Dubya had someone get him in the TANG ahead of 150 others on a waiting list disappeared in about fifteen minutes of searching the internet. His fake documents carry no weight whatsoever, even though he claims the essence of their tale is true. If I could find some simple refutation so quickly, why is he so determined someone prove him wrong instead of him proving his own case?

And why are the Democrats so eager to take his side, knowing he peddles lies?

I don’t hate anyone. I never have. It is an emotion far more powerful than the word has come to mean through overuse. I am on the verge of hating Dan Rather, if that is possible without knowing someone personally. That scares me.


  1. The best way to make him go away is to forget he was even here. Why rent him space in our minds?

    Comment by Lotus Petal — September 21, 2004 @ 12:55 am

  2. I can still remember my father yelling at the TV when I was a child while he watched 60 minutes or the news because he saw through what they were doing. He would always question people as to why they would just blindly believe something just because Dan Rather & others would say it or write it.

    Now he has a choice in his news source, but he still yells at the TV. 🙂

    Comment by Lorie — September 21, 2004 @ 4:02 pm

  3. Below is a RatherGate ABCNEWS.com story that says Guard Officer Denies Seeking Help for Bush.

    ( http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Politics/Vote2004/staudt_bush_040917-1.html )

    Air National Guard Col. Walter Staudt, far right, is pictured with George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and an unidentified woman in this photo from the younger Bush’s time in the Guard. Staudt denies he received preferential treatment.

    (ABC News)
    Air National Guard Colonel Denies Bush Got Preferential Treatment

    Sept. 17, 2004

    Comment by Don Hagen — September 21, 2004 @ 6:15 pm

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