Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 17, 2004


Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 4:13 pm

Regarding Dan Rather: Stick a fork in him, he’s done.

ABCNEWS interviewed Col. Walter Staudt. I simply assumed (like an idiot) he was dead because LtCol Killian is. Stupid me, and even stupider CBS.

We were pretty particular because when he came back [from training], we had to fly with him.

As a former flyer, I can vouch for that sentiment.

Staudt said he continues to support Bush now that he is president. “My politics now are that I’m an American, and that’s about all I can tell you,” he said. “And I’m going to vote for George Bush.”

Oh…Well…He’s obviously a right-wing fanatic. Who’s going to believe his version over that of Dan Rather?



Surprise, surprise!

At the conclusion of Bill Burkett’s commentary, he also boasted that he had served as “one of the sources for information in the Michael Moore’s film ‘Farenheit 911.'” (sic) Burkett did not elaborate on his relationship with Moore.

From CNS News


  1. From CNS News:

    When he interviewed for the job, Bush was eager to join the pilot program, which Staudt said often was a hard sell. “I asked him, ‘Why do you want to be a fighter pilot?’ ” Staudt recalled. “He said, ‘Because my daddy was one.’ He was a well-educated, bright-eyed young man, just the kind of guy we were looking for.”

    Hmmm, I seem to recall someone else suggesting that Bush probably wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps.

    Great analysis Bunker! 🙂

    Comment by Lorie — September 17, 2004 @ 5:34 pm

  2. Thank you. It only makes sense. Just listen to the man, and understand his mother. Class.

    Comment by Bunker — September 17, 2004 @ 5:49 pm

  3. RatherGate!!! Below is a NewsMax.com article that says CBS steered the forged document source to the Kerry Campaign!!!

    ( http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/9/20/225421.shtml )

    With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

    For the story behind the story…

    Monday, Sept. 20, 2004 10:52 p.m. EDT

    CBS Steered Forged Doc Source to Kerry Campaign

    In what may be the most damaging revelation yet in the Rathergate document scandal, CBS News is admitting that it steered the source of forged military records damaging to President Bush to the Kerry campaign.

    In exchange for the meeting with Kerry communications director Joe Lockhart, that source – former National Guard Commander Bill Burkett – agreed to give CBS copies of the Bush records.

    USA Today is set to report in Tuesday editions:

    “Lockhart, the former press secretary to President Clinton, said a female producer talked to him about the “60 Minutes” program a few days before it aired on Sept. 8. She gave Lockhart a telephone number and asked him to call Bill Burkett.”

    “At Burkett’s request, we gave his [telephone] number to the campaign,” Betsy West, senior CBS News vice president, confessed to USA Today.

    Late Monday, CBS said it was investigating the role of “60 Minutes” star producer Mary Mapes in setting up the contact between Burkett and Lockhart.

    “The network’s effort to place Burkett in contact with a top Democratic official raises ethical questions about CBS’s handling of material potentially damaging to the Republican president in the midst of an election,” the paper said.

    Aly Col

    Comment by Don Hagen — September 23, 2004 @ 8:53 pm

  4. A straight line
    Bunker uses few words

    Trackback by Wandering Mind — September 17, 2004 @ 8:02 pm

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