Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 14, 2004


Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 4:57 pm

I turned on FoxNews because Big Trunk will be on with Brit Hume tonight. I caught a segment of John Gibson’s show, and he was talking to a familiar DNC operative, although I didn’t catch his name.

The discussion centered, once again, on Dubya’s TANG duties, and whether he fulfilled his obligation. Gibson tried to talk about other things, but the DNC guy insisted on stating, more than once, that Dubya was a “Fortunate Son” who used influence to get out of going to Vietnam. Gibson mentioned the faked documents, and they were brushed aside because, “The facts are indisputable.”

In other words, whether the documents are fake or not is irrelevant because we all know Bush ducked the draft. No proof required.

Well, I stated my opinion on this some time ago, and now I want to claim that my opinion is indisputable. No proof required.

But I think we need to look at things a little differently. Obviously, the Democrats believe that Americans think Bush is a pretty good president. He is doing a really good job. John Kerry couldn’t do it any better. So, in order to show a difference between the two candidates which is favorable toward Kerry, they must compare the two men’s pasts. Unfortunately, that dog won’t hunt, either.


  1. Uhhh this American does not think Bush has done anything resembling a “good job”. I also think no politician is going to do a damned thing to make a difference until we the people begin to hold their feet to the fire. As long as the “average” american is content to get their news from an hour of television every night, and leave it at that we will never again have a “represenative democracy. As long as the public remains under/ill informed the politicians will not have to represent anything other than their own wallets.

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — September 14, 2004 @ 7:35 pm

  2. I’m not saying that’s how all Americans feel. I can only conclude that the Democrats believe Americans feel that way because they can’t talk about the future, present, or even recent past.

    Bubba, you and I should get together and form a 527.

    Comment by Bunker — September 15, 2004 @ 5:46 am

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