I’ve never visited their site, but took a look tonight. Wow.
The backpedaling is a ruse, and Rather/Hodges are playing the other media networks like a fiddle. This is much more likely. Rather knew that the wingnuts would accuse the documents of being forgeries instead of addressing their contents, so he set them up. Let them cry forgery for a few days, let the rumors spread, then have his “top source” Bobby Hodges accuse CBS of fraud to fan the flames. Then, release other documents, prove the Killian memos are authentic and watch Bush/Rove go down in flames.
Is this an admission by the hard-core Democrats that Dan Rather in is league with the Kerry Campaign? Tin foil hats.
That’s one hell of a plan! That Dan Rather is one hell of a smart guy….making himself look like a dumbass for the Democratic Party.
Comment by Wallace-Midland, Texas — September 13, 2004 @ 11:43 pm
Stay away from DU, it turns your brain into tapioca pudding.
Comment by John — September 14, 2004 @ 10:04 am
D.U. will no more turn your brain into tapioca than will the Free Republic site, as long as you are using said brain to filter out the “noise” and get to the facts. Just the facts for me please I am perfectly capable of forming my own opinion. Only problem with that is any more I have to read about 6 different opinion columns in order to get all the facts. I used to be able to get all the facts in the “reporting” but not anymore, the media has really been asleep ever since Watergate.
Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — September 14, 2004 @ 7:29 pm
And I don’t go to Free Republic, either. I’m too lazy too try and sift through the nonsense at either end of the spectrum. That’s one of the reasons I change my link list frequently. I keep trying to optimize it. I used to read Matt Yglesias, but he went crazy about the time of the Swift Boat ads. I now am wondering about Daily Howler.
Comment by Bunker — September 15, 2004 @ 5:52 am