Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 13, 2004

John Carroll redux

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 6:54 pm

Hugh Hewitt takes aim at something said by LA Times Editor John Carroll, a reprise of something I mentioned at the time. Of course, I wasn’t the only one.

Hugh takes us step by step through Carroll’s speech to compare the words then to the CBS situation now. His conclusions are, shall we say, obvious:

How many think old media has been serving “the reader, the listener, the viewer” in “good faith?” That many are real journalists.

How many are reading the blogs, sifting through them for leads and facts that must be accounted for, accounting for persuasive arguments from credentialed experts? These are the real “future journalists.” And given the Los Angeles Times’ coverage of the forged docs, and using Carroll’s own standards, there are precious few “real” journalists at the Times these days, and thus far, the editors –speaking from their editorial page– are not among them.

I don’t claim to be a journalist. I comment on what I read and hear. But I believe that makes me a better journalist than many of the “professionals” drawing a paycheck from the likes of CBS News and the LA Times.

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