Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 7, 2004


Filed under: International — Bunker @ 5:50 am

Dan Darling has some interesting thoughts on the situation in Beslan. In particular, he notes some information on the problems in Chechnya you might not have known. For one, the majority there are Sufi Muslim, but the Wahabis are interested in wresting control from Russia, and the Sufi.

There are quite a few folks out there who still cling to the idea that the cause of all our problems with Islamicists springs from our relationship with Israel. Israel is the red herring in this mystery. The real clues are, as Holmes would say, “Elementary.” I would like to direct new readers who question this to take a look at my current compilation of information here for a better understanding. No right-wing politics, just honest history and analysis, along with the view of Islam from both sides.


  1. Mike, I am going to trackback to your post, it is a good one. But I think you have me wrong. I am not suggessting that this is the reason Islamic Terrorist kill, I am saying it is the EXCUSE they use. I am also saying that I think it is important that we reengage in the peace process in Israel to in part, take that excuse away, and also becuase the way we are handling the issue right now, is not compatible with the stated goals for the Middle East, part of that goal being bringing freedom to ALL the inhabitants of the region.
    While I certainly do not support the Palestinian Terrorist actions, (Having long stated that the tactics of Ghandi would have served them a lot better, and gotten what they wanted sooner), I dont think ignoring the issue is helping with whatever moderate Arabs might want to help us, including the King of Jordan.

    Comment by David Anderson — September 7, 2004 @ 3:40 pm

  2. David, the essence of the “Middle East Peace Process” has always been “Process,” not results. There is a reason for this, and it isn’t intransigence on behalf of the Israelis. Clinton had them willing to sell the farm to get an agreement in 2000, and Arafat balked. There will be no acceptance of Israel ever in the Arab world. Sadat was murdered because he dared to sign an agreement.

    This is the only way in which we disagree. Ignoring Arafat has done more to further peace than any other ploy. Israel building a barrier has begun to have the desired effect–internal strife within the PLO and Hamas. Without being able to kill Israelis, they will end up killing one another.

    Comment by Bunker — September 7, 2004 @ 3:46 pm

  3. Why we wont win the War on Terrorism with a Gun
    I promised this to Kevin, and granted though it is a bit simplistic (I am pressed for time here folks), it is as I see it… — What I can

    Trackback by In Search of Utopia — September 7, 2004 @ 3:46 pm

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