Alex has just posted Part II of his new 3-parter.
Most immigrants came here understanding that they were to be included in the melting pot we know as America. They understood they were free to practice their religion, maintain their customs and keep their traditions. They wanted to be a part of that melting pot and contribute to it. It was understood that the fruits of their labor and their standing in the community would determine their credibility in the community at large. In other words, they understood that they had to contribute to the well being and ethos of America.
How did they do it? Well, there are community hospitals built by Catholic and Lutheran charities. There are hospitals built by Presbyterian and Jewish charities. There are community food kitchens sponsored by virtually every ethnic group in this country, from Croats and Bulgarians to Swedes and the Hare Krishna. These groups contribute. It didn’t take long for these groups and others to get involved.
Muslims are different. There are virtually no ongoing charities that service the community at large. There are some exceptions, of course. However, they are all event based and all geared toward media recognition, such as disaster relief drives and so on. There are very few if any, ongoing projects.
I like this passage as it makes some things very clear. Americans share community. We are free to help, and feel an obligation. I haven’t noticed this from the Muslim community. Has anyone?
Follow this up with the reading of Facts v. Revelations in the Quran in American Thinker. James Arlandson views arguments within the Quran through syllogism, and finds them wanting in logic.
You’re right.
In point of fact, other groups seek acceptance and recognition through good works, ie, missionary hospitals and schools, etc.
The Islamic community wants to influence by pointing out the evil in western society.
They see no need for good works. By simply pointing out our ‘failures’ they assume that makes Islam a ‘superior’ religion and no ‘good works’ are needed. As I said, there is a total disconnect between reality and perception there.
They see no such ‘failings’ in Islam.
Because they are Muslims, there can be no failings, or any shortcomings are minimized, because of the superiority of Islam.
Comment by Alex — September 6, 2004 @ 3:27 pm