Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

August 30, 2004


Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 9:29 am

As I think about the political divisions in this country, I’m less convinced that there is a giant chasm between the folks who make up the general population. There is a very determined group on the far right, led by such sociological luminaries as Pat Roberts. They try to be vocal, but get little face time unless they can be made to look foolish. There is an equally determined group on the far left led by many names which have become almost caricatures–Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, NOW, MoveOn.org. In between are the bulk of Americans, people who simply want the government to stay out their way as they try to do what’s best for themselves and their families.

This is not to say people in this group don’t sometimes want government intervention. That desire, though, changes as their circumstances change. Every college student wants the government to pay for their education. Every person without enough education they need to get the kind of job they want looks to the government for help. Unions want government to help them coerce employers. Gimme gimme gimme. Not always, and not always in the same manner.

What that means is things fluctuate for all of us, and our perspective on politics changes along with them. We can be easily led from one side to the other depending on our situation.

This election cycle began the day Dubya’s election was confirmed. Some refused to let it settle. You cannot look at all the evidence with an unbiased mind and conclude anything other than Bush won. All other theories thrown around have been debunked. Yes, you will still find people convinced he “stole the election” or “was selected by the Supreme Court,” but those folks refuse to see anything that conflicts with their antagonistic vision, or have no understanding of exactly what transpired in 2000. What they are doing is basing opinion on someone else’s opinion rather than fact.

These folks have been embraced by the Democratic Party. Pat Roberts and his ilk have not been embraced by the Republican Party. Don’t believe it? Simply look back and remember Roberts and Buchanan when they attempted to gain the nomination. They ended up somewhere between what Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich did this year.

The only message the Democrats have offered in the last four years is one of hate. That hate drives the party faithful. Even when they try to evince a look forward, they revert to class warfare–more hate. Dubya was sincere in trying to heal the wounds of the previous eight years. He went straight to Ted Kennedy to get his education reform package through. He refused to allow Clinton Administration documents be released to jackals who wanted a juicy story, and was villified by both left and right for it. It mattered not at all. He stole the election.

They made a great show of unity on 9/11, and 9/12. But when Americans rallied behind Dubya, the sniping began again–quickly. They may have lost focus for a day or two, but regained their footing and went back on the attack. Even after many in Congress did the right thing in giving the President a virtual declaration of war, they began to try and undermine our military.

This election is about far more than having John Kerry or Geroge Bush as President for the next four years. It is really about this hate. A close election either way will keep these fires burning. If Kerry wins, it will be an “I told you so” moment. If Bush wins, the hate may very well intensify and we are on the road to four years even worse than these.

The only way out is for the hate crowd to be absolutely demolished, and their philosophy to be completely disavowed by the majority of Americans. This requires a landslide for Bush.

Normally, I view a balance to be best in politics. This time is an exception. The RNC is not as Machiavellian as the DNC, and Republicans don’t hold grudges the way Democrats do. Okay, time for you who disagree to quickly list instances in contrast to what I just wrote. You’re wrong. Both sides have given in to such passions before, but the DNC has a history of being a far more political organization. Just look back at all the real voter manipulation and tampering in our history and you will find it has been Democratic organizations doing it. A quick scan of 527 groups will give you another indication. The fact that Al Gore’s average donor gave him more than $800 in 2000, and Bush’s average donor gave $300, yet Bush received more money should say something of who provides support to whom.

A landslide for Bush will make some of the more virulent politicos on the left sit down and shut up for a change. And it will allow him to reach out once again to try and heal some wounds. Perhaps then some on the other side might be actually willing to shake that hand and make things work.

I sincerely hope that is what happens. Then we may be united once more in the face of our enemies.


  1. Good points, especially about the ‘politicization’ of Dem voters, ie, spouting party lines as orchestrated by the DNC.

    I have also heard rumblings that once again, the Dems are going to challenge military votes. Have you heard anything about this?

    Comment by AH — August 30, 2004 @ 9:49 am

  2. They always will. They have a team of lawyers already working on it, although I can’t remember where I read that.

    Comment by Bunker — August 30, 2004 @ 11:33 am

  3. I share your feelings about the good common sense of the majority of Americans in the middle and am hoping that the message of hate against Bush will not sit well.

    Comment by Wallace-Midland Texas — August 30, 2004 @ 3:34 pm

  4. I too hope for the same thing about Americans in the middle. I used to consider myself an Independent, but it’s gotten to the point where I cannot stand to hear anymore of the hate coming from so many on the left. Or should I say far left. I do believe that a great deal of Americans are being turned off by it. But unfortunately, the younger people of today, who do not take the time to look further into an issue once it’s been spewed as gospel by the likes of Michael Moore, are willing to accept all the hate as fact.

    Comment by Lorie — August 30, 2004 @ 3:44 pm

  5. I think Lorie’s right. Sadly, our elections are not based on fact. They’re based on feelings or hunches or gut reactions. And many people, young and old, don’t do the research.

    Comment by Sarah — August 31, 2004 @ 12:36 am

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