Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

August 14, 2004


Filed under: Military — Bunker @ 5:32 pm

Maybe I can explain to some of you why military veterans don’t feel comfortable with John Kerry. I’m talking about my generation, and those immediately preceding and following mine. And I’m speaking of professional military folks, not the one-termers who came in and left for a variety of reasons.

I enlisted in 1972 after dropping out of college. I left school with a 1.25 GPA. Yes, I had a pretty good time. The recruiter had me convinced to enlist for six years, but Dad had a little talk before I signed the papers. Understand, this is the “Old Chief.” Dad retired from the Air Force as a Chief Master Sergeant–one of the top 1% of the enlisted force. And he lived the role. Think of the movie role Sam Elliott played in We Were Soldiers, and you have some concept. He told me he had seen many young men come and go. Some liked the military, and some didn’t. He pointed out that if I didn’t like it four years down the road, I’d see all my friends leaving and I would still have two years to go.

I enlisted for four years.

I quit wearing my uniform when I traveled after one trip through the San Francisco airport. Someone made a rude comment and spit on me. I could have ripped his head off, but it was his city. I would have ended up in jail. I kept my composure.

He was a Kerry follower.

Whatever John Kerry did in Vietnam is really irrelevant to military professionals. We all have our own opinion of whether he was a hero or not. From everything I’ve learned of him since he “torpedoed” Dean (to use rfidtag’s verb), I see nothing of value. I had never even heard of him previous to this election cycle. He was simply another Senator living off the Government teat, and really doing nothing to earn his perks. He didn’t need the paycheck. But, except for my taxes paying for all of it, it was of no import to me–I don’t live in Massachusetts. If they want a do-nothing as their junior Senator, who am I to complain?

But if he wants me to support him for President as a veteran, he’s out of bounds. He waived that support when he failed to get elected to Congress as a war hero and became the voice for those who needed some credibility in the anti-war movement. Face it, he was an opportunist. He demeaned the service of his “Band of Brothers” to build himself up. He encouraged such things as happened to me, one of his “brothers”. And every other veteran.

I’ve seen a few John Kerrys during my career in the military. So had my dad. They are careerists, not professionals. They will do whatever it takes to make themselves look good to superiors. When I first got my commission, I worked for one. Fortunately, the colonel above us saw him for what he was. This captain spent a lot of time escorting visitors, which he felt gave him “visibility”, and would do just about anything to get recognition. The colonel kept him busy so that we lieutenants could get the job done. I even wrote about my experiences at the time. (Oh no…did I really use “nadir” in a sentence?).

Kerry would have gotten along quite well with that captain, except when they ran into a conflict over who would get to escort the general’s wife.

Add those two things together–self-serving opportunism and treasonous behavior toward fellow vets–and perhaps you’ll understand why any medals he has mean absolutely nothing to me in his run for the Presidency.

I don’t trust him.


  1. Amen…..I second your thoughts and raise you one searing–searing–condemnation.

    Comment by Wallace-Midland, Texas — August 14, 2004 @ 6:44 pm

  2. As I have mentioned before I am planning on voting for a dead president this year (again). I offer my points for Kerry from a devils advocate point of view. Neither he nor the POS shrub is qualified to be POTUS in my eyes. Therein lies my problem though, how do we get better candidates? I am sick to death of the bullshit and spin both parties try to pass off. Here we are in 2004 and we have a guy many perceive to be a willfully ignorant son of a bitch, versus an apparent effite elitist son-of a bitch. I want better candidates goddamn it!!!!!! I also would like to see jackoffs like Karl Rove banned from the political process, but first thing is first; BETTER CANDIDATES than these two asshats!!!

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — August 14, 2004 @ 8:22 pm

  3. Bubba, my intent is not to debate the merits of either candidate. I already know who I’m going to vote for. Who would be a good candidate in your mind? What are you looking for in a President? To me, Bush has acted the way I would expect a President to act. I haven’t agreed with everything he’s done, but I don’t see anyone else out there who comes close.

    Karl Rove. Had to resort to that? The only politico worse than him is McAuliff. Old Terry Boy is the reason Howard Dean imploded, not his scream. If Dean got the nomination, and won, Terry would be out of a job and the DNC would be out of his hands…and the Clintons’. That couldn’t be allowed to happen. Personally, I think Dean was the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party. There would have been some change, and it would have served the country well. Now they (and we) are stuck with the same old divisive crap from a group of people whose only thought is being in control.

    Bush was the uniter all the Democrats claim to want. They just don’t want to unite unless it’s the Republicans doing all the uniting. Bush reached out his hand and got it slapped. By his “good friend Senator Kennedy.” When what he was doing was hailed by the American people in general, the Democrats decided they couldn’t stand it. His popularity couldn’t be tolerated.

    I’d really be interested in who you think would be a good candidate. There are none on the national level I’ve seen who could do what needs to be done.

    Next election, I’d like to see COndoleezza Rice or J. C. Watts as a candidate.

    Comment by Bunker — August 15, 2004 @ 1:24 pm

  4. Condi, ummmmm nope, JC Watts, nope both are too conservative for my tastes. Mc Cain, yes Wes Clark probably, Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins of Maine, or Lincoln Chaffee of I believe Rhode Island are people I could vote for. Arlen Specter has blown any chance to be pres. as has Bob Dole, maybe Liddy Dole if she disavows the fundamentalist wing of the repubs. Not too many others I can think of off hand. I only mentioned Rove because he was first in my mind, and yeah McAuliffe and his ilk need to go too. The problem will never really resolve itself until we fall into a “banana republic” like, one party state, or we finally get a legitimate third party. A third party that I would hope represent the working class. You know the people that need representation more than the agri-corps, the financial institutions, and all the rest of the corporate interests that get priority over the needs of folk like you and me. All I know is the founders would puke first, then berate the hell out of us for allowing this government to grow so out of control.

    Comment by BUbba Bo Bob Brain — August 15, 2004 @ 5:55 pm

  5. Bunker, it has been fun visiting your site, but clearly this is doing neither of us any good. At first I thought you and I had common ground, but I don’t think we do. The counter-balance of Bubba is not enough.

    I am leaving this site for good. I wish you and your family well.

    BTW, Bubba if you are out there, do you have a blog? If so would you email me rfidtag at code0range dot net?

    I am rfidtag and I approve this message.

    Comment by rfidtag — August 15, 2004 @ 9:04 pm

  6. Thanks for playing. And thanks for the assist on MT.

    Comment by Bunker — August 16, 2004 @ 5:42 am

  7. A Veteran
    Bunker Mulligan…

    Trackback by The Commons at Paulie World — August 16, 2004 @ 7:59 am

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