Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

August 12, 2004


Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 6:32 am

One of the things I like about the blogosphere is that everyone has a different collection of regular visits and visitors. I don’t have to scour the internet looking for something interesting to read. Any one of my regular visits might have some completely different perspective highlighted at a site I never visit on my own, and I get a chance to read it.

Each of us is unique. We have our own likes and dislikes. Yes, there is something of a herd mentality in the blogosphere, where people read only those sites they agree with. But, even then each blogger is eclectic if only in a small way.

I read La Shawn Barber each day. There’s a young lady who has some perspective. Yet she is taken to task for being a black conservative. Obviously, not all her readers are conservative. Sarah tells us she voted for Gore in 2000, but will vote for Bush this year. She also gets readers from an opposition point of view, some quite vicious. Roger Simon will be at the RNC Convention by invitation, which surprised him a bit. Rob takes me many places, some I have no real interest in being! Each of these writers takes me to different sites, and different opinions, some of which vary from their own.

I felt the need to say all that because I’m about to adjust my links once again. the list is getting unwieldy. But we have set up our Homespun Bloggers blogroll so that it now updates as new posts are added. You’ll find the most prolific posters at the top of the list. Several are in my regular list already. It is a good group. There are a couple with graphics-intensive sites which take a while to load, but the group, as a whole, is pretty diverse, and pretty good. I’m using the word “diverse” as defined in the dictionary. I don’t know the skin color of all the bloggers, as diversity has come to mean. More on that to come. This group isn’t the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy and don’t get their daily talking points from White House memos. I do, but the rest of them are just pikers!

1 Comment

  1. That’s why I really liked Rishon Rishon’s short post on what diversity *isn’t*:


    And Jason Van Steenwyk of Iraq Now always says that diversity means having people with military backgrounds in a newsroom…we’re certainly not at that level yet!

    Comment by Sarah — August 12, 2004 @ 7:30 am

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