I’ve considered my views on how our social values impact the political process many times. I dislike the terms “liberal” and “conservative” as they are used to describe a political philosophy because they really have no meaning in that venue. I tend to use “leftist” as a derogatory term because of my views on socialism. I want to be as clear as I can in this that I mean to talk about social and cultural beliefs, not their parallels in politics.
The base definition of liberal is a perspective which views change as good, counter to conservatism which sees the staus quo as good. A social liberal is one who believes that as long as someone doesn’t impose themselves on others, they should have the freedom to do as they please. A conservative would expect all to behave in a similar manner, even if coerced to do so.
Now, consider those two concepts for a second and think about which fits the actions of the different “groups” in this country. Don’t simply respond in knee-jerk fashion. Think about it in some detail, especially in light of current social issues.
Now consider that the concept of socialism is for total equality in all things for everyone, regardless of ability, talent, or work ethic.
Where do those who consider themselves to be liberal really fall in this measure? Those who consider themselves conservative?
A true liberal doesn’t care what your skin color is, or what sexual partner you prefer. A conservative does care, and wants you to care, too. All must believe alike. A true liberal would believe that some people can graduate from high school with only 10 years in the classroom, but others might need 15. A true conservative would believe everyone should finish school in the same amount of time.
What we see now is that the two terms have really become reversed in many ways. I’m considered a conservative. But I don’t care about anyone else’s sexual preferences. I just don’t want them in my face about it. I don’t want to know anything about Madonna’s sex life, either. It isn’t a heterosexual/homosexual issue with me. That’s my freedom. Those who are today considered liberal want everyone to celebrate someone’s homosexuality. Everyone. Think about that for a while in terms of other issues and see if your own beliefs match something other than you thought.
Today, Nathan Hale has an interesting perspective at The American Thinker. Perhaps in this highly-charged political atmosphere of the day, we can all sit back for a while and ponder our own biases and beliefs in the larger context of World History. And consider that this nation was formed by a group of men who understood very clearly that no colony had ever before successfully divorced itself from the Mother Country. They knew history, and they knew the risks. They looked at themselves very closely before deciding on a direction. We know which way they chose.
Can you make that monumental decision for yourself? Will you let others tell you how to think? Can you weigh the consequences of a wrong decision without resorting to clich
Bunker found a good article — A Marine’s Role in the End of History — and has his own interesting commentary….
Trackback by trying to grok — August 11, 2004 @ 2:29 am