Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

July 6, 2004


Filed under: Military — Bunker @ 7:42 am

I picked out an article from Early Bird this morning that was written by Richard Whittle for The Dallas Morning News this weekend. DMN requires registration, and I couldn’t find this particular article on their site (perhaps it will be up later today).

Donald Rumsfeld’s relations with the military are the worst of any defense secretary since Robert McNamara’s during the Vietnam War.

So say Mr. Rumsfeld’s critics.

Donald Rumsfeld is wildly popular with the military, who revel in his aggressive, combative style and appreciate his determination to transform the armed forces for the 21st Century.

So say his defenders.

Two of Rumsfeld’s detractors are retired Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni and former Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Eric Shinseki. Two gentlemen who served their country well and admirably. Both highly qualified warriors. Yet they have issues with Rumsfeld.

I had issues with bosses in the military. I had some heated arguments with superiors. I also had credibility, and they listened to what I had to say whether they agreed or not. Me too. I think that is something most civilians don’t understand about the military. Dissent is considered to be good. It keeps everyone on their toes. But dissent is also expected to be coherent and offer solutions. Chronic complainers don’t survive. Shinseki and Zinni aren’t chronic complainers, else they never would have achieved stars on their collars. And they are both professionals who aired their grievances publicly only after leaving the military. You can bet they aired them in private before that, and voiced that disagreement face-to-face with whomever they disagreed with.

It is definitely time to reassess our military structure, and that is precisely what Rumsfeld is trying to do. Unfortunately, there is a bureaucracy in the Pentagon for which inertia is the standard. Face it, every bureaucracy has it, and it makes people comfortable. In particular, the Army likes large formations of heavy weaponry. It is how the Army had been structured since its inception. The Navy has had to change from battleships to carriers to…? Don’t even think of taking away their carriers. The Air Force has always loved bigger and faster aircraft, preferring bombers over all, although the focus has become bigger fighters that fly very fast but carry big bomb loads. And the Marines want nothing to do with administrative and logistics functions except as they directly apply to boots in the sand.

The National Security Act of 1947 combined all the military into the Department of Defense and created a Department of the Air Force to match those of the Army and Navy. It was considered radical, and the original intent was to create a single military organization combining all the services. But the same inertia was at work in 1947 that is in place today. The Army and Navy didn’t go away, they were simply joined by yet another entity under the umbrella of Defense. And the cooperative effort that won the war went away in the push for budget dollars. Cross-service training fell by the wayside until it became obvious to all it was essential–at Desert One.

Each service has its own particular expertise, but they must be merged much better. The Navy and Marines do this well, as do all the special operations units. And that needs to be the template for the future. We have need for heavy units, as the invasion of Iraq showed. But their utility is limited, as the occupation of Iraq has shown. There is some difficulty in breaking down a heavy unit into smaller groups for this type of operation as they have trained to do otherwise. They are accustomed to supporting one another rather than operating independently. That doesn’t mean young officers and NCOs don’t adapt. That creativity has always been the hallmark of American soldiers. But it is difficult to adapt a bigger mentality.

And that is the rub. People complain that we don’t have enough troops in Iraq, but they offer no solution. How would more troops be used? What is the ratio of shooters to supporters? Perhaps we have the wrong troops in place. Light, fast, responsive forces are required. We have few of those, and they have been on constant rotation to both Afghanistan and Iraq. Rumsfeld wants more of these forces, and what I would term as traditionalists like the structure as it now exists. Others want to see change. From what I see, that is where the dividing line exists. I don’t think we can eliminate heavy forces, but their utility in this type warfare is limited. If there is to be any expansion, it needs to be in the small unit area with a focus on light units. And that includes the Air Force and Navy. That makes me a Rumsfeld supporter.

Traditionalists would like to see Rumsfeld gone. They have their chance in November.


  1. In the main I agree with you, however, from talking with close personal friends at the highest level [of the Army at least] I get the impression that the real rub with Rummy is not about changing the force structure so much as it is his perceived lack of listening to the input from the professional career soldiers under him.

    Comment by Wallace-Midland, Texas — July 6, 2004 @ 10:59 am

  2. “Listening to the input” in many cases means something different to different people. I remember one of my NCOs telling me I didn’t listen to her. Actually, I listened very closely. What she meant was that I didn’t do what she suggested.

    None of us will really know which is the case in this instance. Only those who are there can decide for themselves which it really is.

    Comment by Bunker — July 6, 2004 @ 11:28 am

  3. Gee Rummy is espousing what LTC Anthony Herbert was calling for in 1974. Nice to see the bureaucracy move so swiftly on those ideas.

    Comment by Bubba Bo Bob Brain — July 6, 2004 @ 6:59 pm

  4. Ah…1974. When the entire military was being stripped of experience. And it happened again in 1994–the 20-year cycle is pretty consistent.

    Actually, the drawdown in 1973-74 worked out well once all the social engineering efforts died down. Same for the 1993-94 drawdown. The remaining professionals tend to pull together to make things work better in adversity.

    Restructuring must be ongoing. Unfortunately, the bureaucracy tends to drag its collective feet waiting for the new administration to establish itself. Rumsfeld didn’t want to wait, which is what many Pentagon lifers hated. And those, by the way, are civilians for the most part.

    The military force must continually evolve. Part of the inertia is inherent in the types of weapon systems being developed and fielded. It takes some time to do right. In my mind, that is even more reason to simplify the force structure. But when you do that, someone’s hog gets gored. Congress won’t stand for it, as Cheney once found out when he was SecDef.

    Comment by Bunker — July 6, 2004 @ 7:42 pm

  5. Those who hate and fight must stop themselves — otherwise it is not stopped.
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    Comment by Jim Johnson — September 23, 2004 @ 5:36 pm

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