Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

July 5, 2004

Tiger Trouble

Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 3:06 pm

Okay, I have the answer for why Tiger is having so much difficulty (we should all be so unfortunate) on the Tour.

Listen, Tiger. You are working too hard on your mechanics. Your swing is no longer the finest example of fluidity in the golfing world. You are starting to look like the rest of us trying to get the clubhead in the right position at the right time.

You don’t need a swing coach right now. You don’t need friends or television analysts telling you what to do differently. You need to clear your mind and let the power flow as you once did.

(I normally don’t accept personal checks, but I think yours will clear easily enough.)

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