Several commenters take exception to Dr Ray’s writings on Liberalism and Leftists. So, for their reading pleasure, I offer up his paper What is Conservatism? A Personal Preface.
From my own research into people’s attitudes, I have come to the Burkean conclusion that a conservative is, above all, someone who has a cynical or hardened view of humanity. (See Chapter 54, Part Two.) Without condemning or disliking man, he believes that man is predominantly selfish and cannot be trusted always to do good. This is what does indeed make the conservative cautious about social change and this therefore is what has given rise to the view that conservatism is merely opposition to any change. By contrast, our considerate radical or small ‘l’ liberal believes that man is inherently good and that this goodness will ensure that no matter what you do with good intentions, the desired effects will in the end be achieved.
The “Chapter 54, Part Two” he mentions is from his book, CONSERVATISM AS HERESY: An Australian reader.
Although my education in philosophy has suffered to some degree for not being guided by a professor in a classroom, I’m working on it through readings on my own. What I’ve found at Ray’s site is common sense–in depth. I don’t like to read from a monitor, and prefer print. But this is one place I spend a fair amount of time.