Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

June 24, 2004

He made it to town!

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 8:21 am

Satire is a tough medium. I think all of us have it within to produce a satirical piece on occasion, but to do it consistently takes a special talent. I have nothing but respect for Scott Ott, The Onion, and, of course, Liberal Larry.

Today, Larry is all over the Republicans for denying Kerry a chance to actually cast a vote in the Senate this year.

Upon finally arriving at the Capitol’s main entrance, Kerry was forced to wait for fifteen minutes, watching people walk in and out of the building, before someone of sufficient social rank stopped to hold the door open for him.

And it doesn’t end there.

By the time congress was ready to vote on the measure, Sen. Kennedy had already cleaned out the Congressional Liqour Cabinet and mistakingly thought he was filibustering another Bush judiciary appointee. Sadly, John Kerry never got his chance to cast his historical vote and make veterans stop hating his guts.


1 Comment

  1. YCBFS about this…
    John Kerry is complaining? that he finally showed up for a vote in the Senate on Wednesday and the vote never happened? and he has the audacity to say this… “These people are so petty, so sad, so political, that

    Trackback by Drink this... — June 24, 2004 @ 9:56 am

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