Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

June 19, 2004

Big Hmmm

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 6:18 pm

After hearing the lead-in to the news this evening, I felt a need to update my previous post.

Initially, reports were that al-Moqrin was found trying to dump Johnson’s body, and killed. Then the story changed to a report that someone tipped off authorities when they saw the body being dump. Either way, the Saudis, with US support, killed al-Moqrin.

Tonight FoxNews is reporting that Johnson’s body still has not been found. Am I the only person that sees some real problems with all this?

My guess, and it is only that, is that the Saudis had al-Moqrin under surveilance the entire time. No Americans were allowed to be involved in the “search” until Johnson had already been murdered. Only then did FBI agents get involved. Almost immediately, al-Moqrin was found and killed. Did the Saudis have some agreement with the fanatics which would allow them to kill Johnson, and didn’t want to capture them for fear they would reveal that agreement? I don’t have any evidence to support that idea except the circumstantial evidence I’ve cited.

Yet these new revelations are disconcerting. It appears truthful information is not forthcoming, and I have to wonder what else isn’t being said. The Saudis are no friends, and we need to pull all technical support out of that country as soon as we can. I think that is Bush’s ultimate goal. The only question remaining is how soon can we do it?

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