Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

May 29, 2004

Real Man

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 1:13 pm

The joys of blogging! I visit Sarah’s site and she has this to say in regards to a link courtesy of Charles, whose post has interesting comments.

They both are pointing out a conversation President Bush had with writers from Christianity Today Magazine.

Bush cites Lincoln as a President he admires. Personally, I think he approaches his mandate in office similarly to Teddy Roosevelt. He is very clear about how he views what he does. He is also unconcerned about his “legacy,” something the last resident fretted over. In fact, Clinton was the first president I ever heard of that did things primarily in anticipation of how history would judge him. Bush makes it very clear it doesn’t enter his mind because the contemporary history will be written by people who don’t think he should ever have been President, and the long-term will be written long after he’s gone.

And so I understand people’s view. But I’m the kind of person who doesn’t change. The best thing I can do is to be myself so that when I finish my job here I will say I was comfortable with who the world saw.

Talk about having it all in perspective!

He is also well-grounded in where this country should be moving in the world-wide scheme.

Well, my job is to speak clearly and when you say something, mean it. And when you’re trying to lead the world in a war that I view as really between the forces of good and the forces of evil, you got to speak clearly. There can’t be any doubt. And when you say you’re going to do something, you’ve got to do it. Otherwise, particularly given the position of the United States in the world today, there will be confusion. And it is incumbent upon this powerful, rich nation to lead?not only lead in taking on the enemies of freedom, but lead in taking on those elements of life that prevent free people from emerging, like disease and hunger. And we are. We feed the world more than any other country. We’re providing more money for HIV/AIDS in the world. We are a compassionate country.

Whether you like or dislike Bush, the discussion is something you need to read. What he says is of real value, and may answer some questions you have. Of course, if you hate Bush, you won’t want to read it. It might change your mind.

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