Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

May 11, 2004

Social Incompetence

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 7:41 pm

Some people love to travel. I’m tired of it. I’ve spent a huge part of my life in hotels, VAQs, BOQs, and tents. It is always good to get back to my own house, family, and routine.

I’m not a social person. It is very hard work for me to engage in small talk. I can do it, but it really wears me out. Today is a perfect example. There is a reception going on for the symposium I’m attending, and here I sit in my room writing and watching the Golf Channel.

Not that I don’t try. I went into the area twice looking to talk with a young man who now works at Arnold Engineering Center on the rocket test cell I helped rebuild twenty years ago after it blew up. He wasn’t there, so I grabbed a Shiner and stood around eating munchies. I waited about twenty minutes and left. Too many people there talking about things I don’t understand. And I don’t have a personality. I can remember being in meetings when everyone paid close attention to what I had to say. I often could dominate a meeting whether I was in charge or not. But as soon as business was complete, I became a non-entity.

I’ve told the boss I don’t like to travel beyond the borders of the Republic, so most of my trips are to Houston, Fort Worth, or San Antonio. I love all three (Dallas is okay, too) and they all have nice golf courses. I plan on spending some time on one tomorrow afternoon.

1 Comment

  1. Me too. In German class our teacher is always asking us about places we’ve been in Germany. Other students yammer away, and I sit there thinking “I don’t like to leave post if I don’t have to.”

    Comment by Sarah — May 12, 2004 @ 3:49 pm

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