Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

April 27, 2004


Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 6:30 pm

On days like today I wonder if I’m just being an arrogant ass. Why do I link to other sites’ posts? Is it because I honestly believe the folks who visit my site won’t see an item unless I point it out to them? If I have a comment on the post I’m linking to, why not simply leave a comment there? Bloggers like Sarah, Michael, and John have far more readers than I do, so do I serve reader interest at all in linking to something they’ve already covered?

I don’t have an answer. I generally write to let off steam, or to let the world know what I think. Does that matter to anyone else? Why should my perspective mean anything to someone else? We all build opinions on experience, and I think my experience is of value. But on reflection, my experience, unique though it is, means nothing more than anyone else’s.

I’ve tried to avoid discussing Kerry and politics, but continue to find myself drawn back. I am more interested in International Relations, the Military, and golf. And not in that order. I am concerned people with no sense of reality will take over our government, so I get mad. I would much rather write about the joy of hitting a pure 7-iron that bounces twice and rolls into the hole for an eagle. I just get upset when people demean my sons and all other folks doing the country’s dirty work. And it is.

I’ll try to stay a little more sane, so bear with me. Next week should help. I’ll play in a Military Retiree Golf Tournament along with my father (if his back holds up), and share a beer or ten with some other old fart GIs from all America’s wars and peacetimes since WWII. It’s a great, diverse crew, and is beginning to attract some of the ladies who’ve served.

So, if there’s not much posted here during the next two weeks, it’s only because I’m very busy enjoying golf and comeraderie, or trying not to vent!

UPDATE: Thanks, Shannon.

1 Comment

  1. ~ Sunday Psychosis ~
    Welcome to issue #4 of Sunday Psychosis.
    A weekly roundup of notable posts found in the blogsphere.

    Mrs. du Toit has an excellent essay on how the Nightline/Ted Koppel broadcast was politically motivated.

    John has a well written article expressing hi…

    Trackback by Extreme Psychosis — May 2, 2004 @ 7:03 am

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