Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 28, 2004


Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 5:01 pm

I put away Les Miserables for a while. It is a compelling novel, and the translation I have is great. But it is just too damn depressing to stick with, especially as a book to read just before going to sleep. I’ll get back to it.

So I journeyed to Barnes and Noble today to see what was on the shelves. I asked about Around the World in 18 Holes which a Bunker Mulligan visitor recommended. They didn’t have it, but offered to order it. I’ll check Half-Price books first (we really only have two bookstores here).

Last week I picked up several books to send to Slice in Afghanistan. One was a Victor Davis Hanson book I really wanted to keep for myself. So I got me a copy today.

I also got two golf books. One, Bernard Darwin on Golf, is a collection of essays by Charles’ grandson. It is one of those golf classics few people think about reading. I have also recently read several books on brain chemistry and physiology, and training the mind. When I saw On the Sweet Spot it looked like something more than your typical golf psychology book. It deals with brain function in words we golfers can understand.

With Teddy Roosevelt, Ralph Peters, and a Twain biography, my nightstand is pretty full right now!

Oh, I forgot! The entry display at Barnes and Noble hits you right between the eyes as you walk in: Clarke’s book. I don’t know if it’s selling, but they’re certainly pushing it.

1 Comment

  1. I’m always a little curious about how much leeway, if any, the B&N managers in charge of displays have in arranging newly published books. My theory (based on personal observation only) is that they DO have some leeway, because I’ve seen it vary greatly from one B&N to the next as far as which books (say, the conservative authors vs. the liberal authors) are up front and how many copies they are pushing on the floor, etc. Product placement, what’s moving and what’s not. I noticed one B&N I used to go to practically HID Hillary’s book. Heh. Maybe it was just a mischievous customer.

    Comment by topdawg — March 29, 2004 @ 6:48 am

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