Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 27, 2004

Let the Circus Begin

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 1:49 pm

Saddam’s family have hired Jacques Verges to defend the poor old man. Surprise, surprise, surprise! I never would have dreamt they’d want someone French.

He is known for representing such luminaries as Klaus Barbie and Carlos the Jackal. He is also counsel for Tariq Aziz. I guess you could call him the Mark Garregos of Europe. He’s already playing the role:

Verges decried U.S. treatment of Saddam since his capture and said he feared the former dictator could be killed before he had a chance to stand trial.


  1. You’d think they would want someone who could win. Seems to me that Carlos the Jackal and all of those Nazis were convicted…

    Saddam, if he accepts this guy as his attorney, will show us again why he is no longer around. For someone as smart as he is, he sure is dumb.

    Comment by Slice — March 28, 2004 @ 3:45 am

  2. The SHOW is everything. Even Saddam knows he has no chance. They simply want to drag as many Americans into the mud as they can. Rumsfeld is target #1.

    Comment by Bunker — March 28, 2004 @ 4:53 am

    Figures that Saddam would have a French lawyer. And do we have to throw the no-WMDs-yet paragraph into every single article?…

    Trackback by trying to grok — March 27, 2004 @ 3:07 pm

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