Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

February 28, 2004

Rich Man, Poor Man

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 1:18 pm

I really like Neil Cavuto. He is, I would guess, pretty well off. He is one of those (many) Fox News hosts who have a real sense of the world. He knows business, but also understands life. He has survived Hodgkin’s Disease, and now is fighting multiple sclerosis. He is not about to cry, though. I remember when an MS group insisted he “come out of the closet” to highlight the disease. He told them it was a private affair, and wasn’t about to become a poster boy.

This is a man I respect.

When Neil Cavuto talks, I tend to listen. He’s now talking about Kerry and Edwards and their attempts to protray themselves as “working men” while they blast Bush as a minon of the wealthy.

Just a quick calculation: Kerry and Edwards own $25 million worth of houses combined.

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