Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

April 22, 2005

You might try getting out a bit more

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 11:25 am

I often wonder whether celebrities are really this clueless:

[Drew] Barrymore, apparently enthralled by the lack of a modern sanitary facilities, gleefully bragged, “I took a poo in the woods hunched over like an animal. It was awesome.”

Not to be outdone, Cameron Diaz, the series host, responded, “I am so jealous right now, I am going — I am going to the woods tomorrow,” Diaz said. A clearly satisfied Barrymore laughed, repeating, “It was awesome.”

Perhaps they should jet back to their US mansions and have an outhouse built immediately. Or, they might even consider taking a hike in Griffith Park.

No, they want the rest of us to live more like those in underdeveloped countries.

People in this country and around the world actually look up to these idiots.


  1. I have taken many a “poo” in the woods and as far as I know it hasn’t enhanced my status one bit.

    Comment by Wallace-Midland Texas — April 22, 2005 @ 3:51 pm

  2. Until now! The blogosphere will certainly elevate you to celebrity status.

    Comment by Bunker — April 22, 2005 @ 4:35 pm

  3. And on Earth Day too! They clearly are unaware that it has been the decade of sanitation for the last twenty or so years and that millions of people many under the age of 5 die each year from waterborn illnesses that could be prevented with proper sanitation and properly treated with a bit of clean water and an inexpensive packet of salts.

    While getting back to nature is a priveledge, real sportsmen and conservationists know to follow some rules like leaving their poo in a slit trench and not by the side of the stream like a beaver.

    Comment by punctilious — April 23, 2005 @ 12:00 am

  4. So this airhead Hollywood type has never gone in the woods before. If it ain’t in the script or the PR brief, she ain’t done it.

    Welcome, finally, to 20 million years of human activity, Ms. Barrymore.

    Next thing you know, you may want to visit a mountaintop or an ocean or a desert and breathe actual, you know, like, clean awesome air and not the chemical-laden goop that permeates Hollywood.

    Comment by Nekultura — April 23, 2005 @ 9:15 am

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