Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

April 12, 2005


Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 8:52 am

I’m no fan of Tom DeLay, or his brother the lobbyist. Randy DeLay is making a living off of handouts from our local Congressman, who receives campaign donations in return.

Having said that, I am sick of hearing about the trips funded by campaign funds as though they are somehow illegal or unethical. To me, as a former military guy, they are unethical. But in the context of Congressional ethics (if there is such a thing), they are not. Nancy Pelosi has done the same thing. So have all the rest.

DeLay is simply the latest target. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice. All have been tagged as someone who should resign “for the good of the Republican Party.”

Just who is it that is “looking out for the interests of the Party”? Democrats. And now, apparently, the New York Times.

According to Terrell, Harshaw’s e-mail suggested Livingston might want to write “a short op-ed on DeLay’s political future.” Terrell said he telephoned Harshaw, saying his boss would “write a favorable piece,” then asked: “Is that really what you’re seeking or is that what you would print?”

It clearly was not. While Harshaw asserted “we would welcome any thoughts” by Livingston, Terrell quoted him as saying “we are seeking those who would go on the record or state for the good of the party he [DeLay] should step aside.”

C’mon. Reporting the news is one thing. Creating it is quite another.


  1. Hello, my friend! Good post. They’ve been doing business with the MSM for years behind our backs, but now we have a method of catching them, and spreading the word!

    Hey, I found a site I thought you might enjoy, unless you already know about it; http://golfequipmentguide.blogspot.com/

    It’s a blog!

    Comment by DagneyT — April 13, 2005 @ 2:10 pm

  2. Not sure it really is a blog. Looks like he has about a dozen similar, and is trying to boost hits on some kind of site.

    Comment by Bunker — April 13, 2005 @ 8:19 pm

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