Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

April 9, 2005


Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 8:04 am

Vijay Singh is just that. He grew up hardscrabble, and dealt with allegations of cheating when he was young. He was a golf hustler like Lee Trevino, another rags to riches golfer. Maybe that’s what the latest controversy is all about.

“On the 13th hole, two officials approached me at two different times,” [Mickelson] said. “They were sent by Vijay to check my spikes because he felt they were unduly damaging the greens. If that is the case, I am very apologetic and will make every effort to tap down what spike marks I make in the future.”

Many tour pros continue to wear steel spikes rather than the soft ones the rest of us use. I’ve always felt that those who play early tend to leave spike marks on the greens intentionally. When you see a low-angle shot on television, often there are many, many spike marks visible. Since the rules don’t allow repair of spike marks on any green prior to completing the hole, golfers leave their marks unrepaired out of spite for those behind, or simply because they aren’t thinking about them as they walk off the green to the next hole.

Who can say why Vijay made the call, and why he picked out Phil as the culprit.

Singh has never attracted a following on the US Tour. He is very private, and often curt with responses. Not good press. On the other hand, most players get along well with him. And he seems to be quite personable with fans–when the situation warrants. I doubt we’ll get any real explanation for all this.

Perhap the USGA should change the rules to allow for repairing of spike marks. I always felt being allowed to repair any other damage but not spike marks was a stupid distinction.

1 Comment

  1. Sounds like it’s time to institute a rule change on the tour. While I have to admit I’m not a fan of ‘soft’ spikes, they do cause less damage to a course.

    I just wish they could make them a little more durable. I’m tired of trying to get the broken ones out like a busted lightbulb.

    See you on the high ground!


    Comment by MajorDad1984 — April 10, 2005 @ 10:30 am

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