Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 22, 2005

McCain Again

Filed under: Government,Politics — Bunker @ 7:58 am

Ryan Sager is the go-to guy on hypocricy on the Campaign Finance Reform front. Once again, this time at Tech Central Station, he his trying to follow the money in the push for “reform” by people like John McCain. I have to say, again, that I once admired John McCain. No more.

When blogs are being looked at by the FEC, and assurances that we aren’t being targeted don’t appear to be very heartfelt, you must be concerned about what the final outcome will be. And what is the final result the “reformers” want.

That’s because campaign-finance reform is not a “movement” as its proponents have claimed, it is a lobby — funded and orchestrated by eight very liberal foundations which fooled Congress and the American people into believing that the front groups they set up were grassroots organizations.

I don’t care whether the groups are liberal, conservative, or Martian. The First Amendment gives a guarantee of freedom of speech to individuals, not groups, or foundations, or 527s. Yet those are the groups which want to limit an individual’s rights.

I’ve still not heard back from my “representatives.” Time for another message, and one to the White House for good measure.

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