Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 4, 2005

Insanity at the FEC

Filed under: Government,Politics — Bunker @ 10:42 am

Sorry. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees me, and everyone else on the internet, freedom of speech. If McCain-Feingold makes political discourse on the internet illegal, then McCain-Feingold is, itself, unconstitutional.

The judge’s decision is in no way limited to ads. She says that any coordinated activity over the Internet would need to be regulated, as a minimum. The problem with coordinated activity over the Internet is that it will strike, as a minimum, Internet reporting services.

I have placed a link to a local politician’s web site on my local news blog. I did it for free. He called two nights ago asking me for an “in-kind” value so he could report it as a campaign donation. He wanted to be sure nobody came back to him later and claimed he didn’t report all contributions.

Okay. Ads are probably something that may need to be reported, even when posted free of charge.

But my personal freedom to write what I want to write will not be infringed.

Come and get me.

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