Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 17, 2005

Lefty Quiz

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 12:46 pm

Tim points to a quiz for liberals done by John Hawkins. I admit right up front that I was unable to answer “yes” to a single question, although there were a few I had to ponder as to whether I thought the premise was reasonable–not whether I agreed with it.

John put this together in response to another quiz put together by Kevin Drum, and the comments there run the gamut from sensible to lunatic.

I agree with John that the questions seem reasonable to ask. So many of these are issues raised not just on liberal web sites, but on national television as well. And a couple come directly from comments on Drum’s site. Tim offers his comments section for scoring by anyone who visits.


  1. Liberal Blogger Quiz
    Bunker Mulligan pointed to an informal survey at Right Wing News being cast out to “Lefty Bloggers” (I think that’s me) asking them yes/no answers to see just how “lefty” they really are.

    I’m willing to take the “challenge” as it were… so …

    Trackback by Murky View — January 17, 2005 @ 2:37 pm

  2. Bunker,

    I think #23 part B made me answer yes, to an extent: I believe there were war plans developed before 9/11 that in bold measures reflected the successful invasion strategy we used.

    Just like we have war plans that are on the shelf for the invasion of just about every country on earth. That’s why we have a General Staff: to make war plans so we aren’t caught with our pants down.

    Comment by Paulie at The Commons — January 18, 2005 @ 9:03 am

  3. The “War for Oil” comment left me stunned at first, then throwing my hands up in disgust at the lack of real politic understanding. There are plenty of oil rich targets we could take over without firing a shot, many would leap at the prospect of becoming our 51st State. Western Canukistan comes immediately to mind.

    Comment by John — January 18, 2005 @ 9:32 am

  4. Paulie, I had the same issue with a couple of the questions. People don’t grasp we had plans in place to invade Britain just prior to WWII.

    John, I actually offered many other reasons for the war other than oil, but Chris is pretty adamant.

    Comment by Bunker — January 18, 2005 @ 10:47 am

  5. Yes, I saw that, however I always marvel when I see that arguement. Japan, China, and Western Europe are far more dependent on middle eastern oil than is America. It would be in the best interests of those nations to get Iraqi oilfields under the control of friendly interests, than not.

    The US is a net importer of petroleum, for sure, but we get more from Mexico, Canada, South America, and Nigeria than we do from Arabia, in fact, we import over 5 million barrels of oil per day from non-OPEC sources while we import only about 2 million per day from all the OPEC nations. Those OPEC imports are in the form of getting something back for the foreign aid we squander in the middle east, we could easily make up the differences elsewhere. The USA does not really need the Iraqi oil. I wish the Lefties could get that fact through their heads.

    Comment by John — January 18, 2005 @ 11:11 am

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