Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 3, 2005

UN Agin

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 4:47 pm

The topic on all the shows seems to be the UN’s characterization of the US as stingy. They complain the rich countries should do more.

Well, this rich country is doing far more than any other. By that I mean that the richness that is America–our people–are giving like nobody else.

Our government, on the other hand, isn’t rich. It is in debt up to its eyeballs. It is really quite poor.

The other nations of the world don’t see it this way. Because our GDP is the largest in the world (more than 25% of the total), they view our government as rich. And, indeed, our government spends more than any other in the world. But our government does not own the means of generating all that wealth! Our people do. And those people give–generously.

But we don’t give to the UN, except in those circumstances where we believe some of the money might actually get to where it will do some good.

And that is the issue. The UN is on its last legs, trying hard to appear meaningful. Let’s not let that happen. As soon as they are off the hook, they will quickly return to their corrupt ways. I’m encouraging my representatives to fund the necessary rebuilding of a new UN headquarters–in Baghdad.


  1. The UN is like the quarterback who is about to be cut from the team, and is threatening a holdout.

    Comment by Nickie Goomba — January 3, 2005 @ 6:37 pm

  2. I linked to the Diplomad on my blog. He reports on the UN finally arriving and setting up headquarters in a 5 star hotel and demanding 24 hour catering service, Reading through the comments on his blog about the UN in Afghanistan is eye opening.

    Comment by Pat in NC — January 3, 2005 @ 8:59 pm

  3. Madeline Albright operated the same way. It was a real shock to people when Colin Powell came to town and was quite happy with a simple meal and dry bed.

    The elites of the world view privilege as their due–and the UN is nothing if not elitist.

    Comment by Mike — January 4, 2005 @ 5:40 am

  4. I think Hannity said it pretty well yesterday on the radio in a great, great conversation with Joe Lieberman: In Europe, when there are instances where charity should be displayed, the Europeans say, “the government should do something.” This is echoed by many of our liberal elites here in the USA. The Americans say, “Let’s do something.” Noemie Emery, writing on volunteerism at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in this week’s National Review (On Dead Trees) echoes de Toqueville (who wrote in the 1830s!): “In Europe you have a government program; in England, you have a great lord and his patronage. In America, you have a self-selected group of people who unite on their own will and for their own reasons, and bring in their own collections of contacts and skills.”

    When I went to the pub to return the kegs from my New Years’ Open House, one of the bartenders had posted a sign saying that the wait staff was accepting donations. I coughed up the cash deposit owed me for the kegs and tap. That’s what Americans do.

    Good post, especially the Albright dig.

    Comment by Paulie at The Commons — January 4, 2005 @ 8:02 am

  5. OMG~!

    We just don’t get it, do we?

    Year after year, decade after decade, we are so accustomed to bailing out the rest of the world in times of need that we have forgotten the rules of the game.

    There is no clause in the U.S. Constitution giving the authority to any branch of our government, Executive, Legistative, or Judicial, the right to GIVE away American tax dollars to a foreign entity. In fact, it’s against the law for the President, Congress, or anyone else to misuse public funds. What is going on now is not according to the rules. Every dime in the U.S. Treasury must first be extorted from the taxpayer in some way or another. This money is MY money, not THEIR money, it does not belong to the President, or the Congressman, it belongs to the American taxpayer. Period~! If you want to give MY money away, first, let’s put it to a vote.

    While I personally feel sorry for the loss of life and property in southern Asia due to the earthquake and tidal wave, everyone should remember, IT’S NOT OUR PROBLEM!!! Do you, or anyone, remember about 10-12 years ago when the Mississippi river got out of control and wreaked havoc to the tune of Billions in virtually every town, county and city from Iowa to Louisiana? Did Indonesia, India, et al., send a single grain of rice to the aid of all those terribly striken Americans? If they did I don’t recall reading about it.

    I am personally so sick of being labeled the bad guy if we don’t automatically fork over a ton of cash every time someone stubs their toe, yet the world view continues to grow ever more anti-American.

    Let them eat cake.

    Comment by john — January 4, 2005 @ 2:37 pm

  6. I missed you, Mike! But enjoyed the trip. BTW, heard today that DiCaprio just coughed up a bundle…to Unicef! Talk about a rat throwing his money down a rathole! Had to laugh at his stupidity about the UN! Sandra Bullock, a conservative, gave her mil to the Red Cross. Smart girl, as we conservative ladies are, generally speaking.

    Comment by DagneyT — January 4, 2005 @ 3:55 pm

  7. A new UN HQ in Baghdad is too good a spot. A new age organization such as the UN should have its home in a new age kind of place. How about Atlantis? We just tow them out to sea on a big garbage barge, open the drains and wave adios. I’ll bring the beer.

    Comment by Cerberus — January 4, 2005 @ 5:27 pm

  8. I’ll bring the dip!

    Comment by Bunker — January 4, 2005 @ 6:15 pm

  9. Wow! I have an idea, why doesn’t Dumbya cancel all the 9 balls they plan to have, to the tune of 40 million and give it to the starving Americans! BTW, there will be many more starving americans in the next four years.


    Comment by Mary — January 4, 2005 @ 7:29 pm

  10. Actually, Mary, the balls are paid for by private individuals, as were those held in Clinton’s honor. And if you can point out anyone in this country starving, let us all know. There are some children starving, I’m sure, but only because their parents can’t be bothered to take care of them.


    We did, but the Senate failed to convict.

    Comment by Bunker — January 4, 2005 @ 8:05 pm

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