Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

December 12, 2004

Comm Monitoring of IAEA

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 10:14 am

Dafna Linzer has a good piece on the communications intercepts between Mohamed ElBaradei and Iranians.

The Bush administration has dozens of intercepts of Mohamed ElBaradei’s phone calls with Iranian diplomats and is scrutinizing them in search of ammunition to oust him as director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to three U.S. government officials.

The Washington Post concludes that the goal of all this is to oust ElBaradei from his position as head of the IAEA. Perhaps there is some truth to that. There is a rule that restricts UN functionaries from more than two terms, but that is often ignored. ElBaradei wants to stay on, and I really don’t blame him. He makes a huge salary and is able to live in New York City and Geneva. If forced to leave, he might have to return home to Egypt.

I think it is also just as likely that we are monitoring his communications for far more important information than that. Since Iranians are emphatic in their pursuit of nuclear technology, we need to have as much information as possible. Funny, you’ll not see mention of that issue anywhere in the article.


  1. Pretty damn funny you’re quoting Twain. If you stupid jerks spent less time on the golf course and more time examining your stupid opinions we wouldn’t have this moron as President and we wouldn’t be in this clusterfuck of an unnecessary war.

    Comment by Sam Clemons — December 13, 2004 @ 12:22 am

  2. Thank you for playing! And all the way from Hawaii!

    Sam spelled his name “Clemens”. I guess that college education just didn’t take hold.

    Comment by Bunker — December 13, 2004 @ 7:17 am

  3. Proof positive your quote is appropriate.

    Comment by Slice — December 13, 2004 @ 7:37 am

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