Neal Boortz speaks what I feel.
There are many people in this country who want the US to become more like Europe. I don’t. Europe has nothing to offer that we don’t have here–and have better.
But most countries in Europe are socialist to varying degrees, and that is what Boortz sees many Americans wanting. It is the primary reason I wanted to see Kerry lose.
And it is the reason I don’t want to see a Democratic majority in either House any time in the near future. Normally, I think it is a good thing to have different parties in control of the legislative and executive branches. It means fewer laws being passed, and fewer impositions on our freedom.
But until we finish off the long-haul war against jihadists and the EU is forced to accept more free market values, we need to have a federal government which acts American.
Another broken link in this post.
Comment by Bogey — November 3, 2004 @ 7:04 am
I just made a similar reflection on my blog. The resounding defeat of left to legitimize gay marriage in all 11 states where it was on the ballot, shows that there are more Americans like you and I, thankfully!
Comment by DagneyT — November 3, 2004 @ 7:20 am