Want to help, but don’t want the UN bureaucrats lining their pockets with money intended to help those in need? Go to Dean’s Site and follow instructions.
January 6, 2005
When the World Dials 911
Russ Vaughn is the Poet Laureate for American Thinker and an old soldier. He sent me his latest poem today for my readers.
Disaster strikes a world away
We get the call, what do we say?
We move at once, to ease their plight,
To aid them through their darkest night.
But come shrill cries from carping Press,
That’s not enough to fix this mess.
We know that, fools, but give us room,
To counter Mother Nature’s doom.America gives to those in need,
With no regard to faith or creed.
We’re there for all when need is great
A helping hand to any state,
That’s fallen under Nature’s wrath
And needs a lift back to the path.
So what they may have mocked our ways?
We’ll turn our cheek ‘til better days.But there are those who hate us so,
They’ll carp and snipe and hit us low,
Who’ll bend disaster to their needs,
And try to choke us on our deeds.
They’ll play their dirty liberal tricks,
For them it’s only politics.
In the face of massive human pain,
They only think of their own gain.But the world knows sure whom it must call,
When disaster strikes, when nations fall.
America is the beaming light
That fades, dispels disaster’s night,
And standing firm provides relief
To salve the pain, allay the grief.
So to Hell with what our critics say,
America’s fine, still leads the way.Russ Vaughn
People think of the US as the World’s Policeman, but we are often the world’s EMS and hospital, too. (Frank’s thought I hijacked).
January 5, 2005
This is an honor. I’d not heard anything of this before, but found it through looking at my stats.
Thanks to whoever nominated me. I appreciate the vote of confidence.
Last Word
Before I hear more whining today about how Dubya should have returned to Washington sooner than he did to deal with the devestation in south Asia, let me point out one thing: Bush is not the President of Indonesia, nor Sri Lanka, nor Thailand.
January 4, 2005
The Real Danger
John Hinderaker found quite an interesting, and very well-developed monograph from a speech by Melanie Phillips, a British journalist.
This systematic abuse by the media is having a devastating impact in weakening the ability of the west to defend itself against the unprecedented mortal threat that it faces from the Islamic jihad. People cannot and will not fight if they don’t understand the nature or gravity of the threat that they face, so much so that they vilify their own leaders while sanitising those who would harm them.
The real danger is that the continual whining by certain factions in the West, notably leftists and allies in the media, weakens our resolve and willingness to confront aggressors and regimes which are extremely dangerous to the civilized world.
This discord is impossible for me to comprehend. I can understand people being opposed to armed conflict. I can understand people not liking our President or Tony Blair. Why, though, is there this willingness to support the destruction of civilization? Hatred is a powerful emotion, but how can anyone truly hate someone they don’t even know? And why would this hatred of Bush and Blair translate into the hope that we will be defeated by those we fight? Is having hundreds of Americans and Brits killed a price worth paying to see these two men embarrassed? Apparently it is to some.
It is psychotic. Anyone who can think clearly must see that. Especially here in the US where we have all that anyone could want.
I am at a loss. Perhaps someone from that side can explain to me why murderers deserve sympathy, and elected officials must be destroyed. Disagreement is one thing. This search for anything to use against the United States, our military, and our President is something completely beyond rational thought.
January 3, 2005
UN Agin
The topic on all the shows seems to be the UN’s characterization of the US as stingy. They complain the rich countries should do more.
Well, this rich country is doing far more than any other. By that I mean that the richness that is America–our people–are giving like nobody else.
Our government, on the other hand, isn’t rich. It is in debt up to its eyeballs. It is really quite poor.
The other nations of the world don’t see it this way. Because our GDP is the largest in the world (more than 25% of the total), they view our government as rich. And, indeed, our government spends more than any other in the world. But our government does not own the means of generating all that wealth! Our people do. And those people give–generously.
But we don’t give to the UN, except in those circumstances where we believe some of the money might actually get to where it will do some good.
And that is the issue. The UN is on its last legs, trying hard to appear meaningful. Let’s not let that happen. As soon as they are off the hook, they will quickly return to their corrupt ways. I’m encouraging my representatives to fund the necessary rebuilding of a new UN headquarters–in Baghdad.
January 2, 2005
What is it like?
Interested in more than a television soundbite? Read this.
Rai holds up a bottle of vodka that the men had been mixing with their colas as they talk. The bottle is scratched and the label torn.
“We found it,” he says, “washed up on our doorstep the day after.”
He smiles knowingly, the irony not lost. While the ocean has taken away all he’s ever had — it has left him a way to toast his own misfortune.