Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 1, 2005

Illegal Aliens

Filed under: Government — Bunker @ 6:39 am


A frustrated Arizona lawmaker says he will push a proposal next year to give American workers the right to sue companies that fire them while keeping illegal immigrants on the payroll. Violators would have their state business licenses suspended.

Legislators don’t have the guts to do what needs to be done. So, they decide to write laws that allow the citizenry to clog up the court system with suits to do what law enforcement should be allowed to do in the first place.

Trial lawyers will be pleased. As will immigration lawyers.

Judicial Nominees

Filed under: Government — Bunker @ 6:34 am

Joseph Farah has three questions for judicial nominees:

  • Do you believe the original intent of the founders should be considered when weighing the constitutionality of a law?
  • Do you believe the Constitution is a “living document,” whose actual meaning changes with the times?
  • From where do people get their rights?

I agree with the premise. And the reason. Hearings on nominees have become nothing but political theater. All that Senators need to know about a nominee is in the public record. A simple yes or no to the first two questions and a simple response to the third should end all questioning.

Americans don’t need black-robed justices divining the meaning of the Constitution. The Constitution was written by our Founding Fathers as a document that could be understood by ordinary citizens without law degrees from Harvard or Yale – or even in spite of such credentials.

Which is why I support the idea of someone like Andrew Napolitano or Newt Gingrich as a justice. Knowledge of the Constitution and the history that created it is far more important than years on an appellate court reading depositions.

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