Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

February 18, 2005

Off and Running

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 3:06 pm

I think I’m snake-bit on blogging. I had hosting problems before, then comment spam issues which shut me down on that host, then moved to WordPress and a new hosting service (because I couldn’t install the database on my own), then too much traffic which took me over my limit and clogged email. Then, once I figured out how to effectively combat comment spam, I ran into the issue that took me down this time.

I am on venompages.com hosting and Kate was establishing her own service through reselling. I’ve had no problems up to this point. She and her husband just returned to CONUS from Hawaii, bought a house, then she disappeared. All this happened at about the same time as the prime host changed out servers–the one our stuff was on. So, DNS nameservers got changed without our knowing about it and they shut down the old server.

Which brings me back to Kate. At first I was really mad. Then, when nobody responded to emails I began to get a little worried. Did something happen to her or a member of the family? I still don’t know.

At any rate, I am going to try to move this site to Blake Farenthold’s ISP. He takes care of Jim Lago’s site, and I like the idea of having everything local. I was originally going to put my local news site there, but Blake was toying with the idea of running for the city council and I didn’t want to get into a potential area for conflict charges against him. Now that he hasn’t, the door is open once again.

February 17, 2005

What Happened?

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 5:45 pm

My hosting service disappeared without warning. Now I’m two weeks behind. Better than losing four months’ worth, I guess.

February 1, 2005

American RadioWorks

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 8:24 pm

How much time does your Congressman actually spend on the job? How much time does he/she spend back in the home district? How much time and money does he/she spend on trips around the world?

And who is paying for it?

Why do politicians work so hard to stay in office? Check the travel perks of office.

Perhaps I’ll run in 2006. There are a lot of golf courses around the world I’d like to play.

O’Reilly Spin Zone

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 5:19 pm

I once watched The O’Reilly Factor. Indeed, it was a No Spin Zone, and Bill covered events and people that nobdy else did.

He has fallen far. Just over a year ago I quit watching him with any regularity Now, I almost cringe when I hear his voice.

One of the primary reasons is that his ego is on constant display. He cannot simply cover a story without interjecting himself into it as a prime player. And he likes to thump his chest that he “broke the story.”

Well, maybe not.

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